Sunday, 22 April 2012

Earth Day - More Eco-Chic Brands

Happy Earth Day! After my earlier post about Eco-Chic, I decided some more digging into Eco-friendly fashion brands was in order and I have a list of a few and some online retailers that sell them. ASOS have their own “Green Room” with their Eco-brands, including one of my guilty pleasure shoe brands Melissa; they make me feel like I’m a kid again wearing jelly shoes, though granted uber-comfy and stylish jelly shoes. So imagine my delight when I discover they are environmentally friendly and made from sustainable plastics. 

Find the following Brands on ASOS's Green Room.
Melissa (also avaliable on Amazon and Nonnon)
People Tree (and their official website is here)

Other brands I discovered on my little jaunt around the internet to find Eco-chic brands were,

Annie Greenabelle  (also on Topshop just select her on the left hand side)

Its nice to see companies really starting to embrace being environmentally sustainable, Fairtade and even animal cruelty free. I haven't had time to research beauty companies yet really but if you know any and want to share the links I'd be grateful. 

For More information on Earth Day please visit their website.

Emmie xo

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