Thursday, 19 September 2013

#13for2013 - Update

Here is an updated list of my goals for 2013 and if I have achieved them yet

1)       Visit another continent
You know, I really didn’t expect to get this one done after going on the cruise but with a bit of determination and a lot of saving I am off to a continent that is not Europe! I will be heading to North America to sample the delights of New York City for 4 days in October. I am literally so excited I’m already mentally packing for my expedition and trying to figure out what to do! You can find my To do list over on my Pinterest.

2)      Complete assessors’ award
Subject to final IV-ing this one is done and dusted! I am hoping to hear back as to whether I have put in enough information soon after my recorded discussion last month which was a bit scary. Wish me luck!

3)      Learn some new recipes
Lots of cupcake and icing recipes learnt. I really need to do some savoury recipes but I have such a sweet tooth that I keep making cakes haha.

4)      Run a 5K
Done {sort of} in the form of the Race for Life, even if I didn't run all of it due to scorching heat we had on the day I still ran a lot of it and I am proud of my achievement on this one.

5)      Enter a photographic competition, challenge or both
Done by entering Fat Mum Slims photo a day challenge in April and May... and June... and July... it is addictive. Though I have missed a lot of Augusts from being busy and over stressed. I’d like to enter the competition at National Memorial Arboretum I think too so I need to get down there and take some shots ASAP. I’m even considering upgrading my camera as I’m having so much fun and getting a DSLR.

6)      Learn a new language or re-learn an old one
So this one is a bit of a non-starter at the moment, I got a French speaking book back in April and I have barely looked at it since. I’m thinking taking a few actual tutored lessons will help me get back into it and rekindle my love for this amazing language.

7)      Take a couple of guitar lessons
OK so this one I am really falling behind on. I have barely picked up my guitar all year so I am back to almost beginner level which is a bit daunting. I really need to get started on this one.

8)      Do something for charity
Done, again when I did the Race for Life and I raised £260 for Cancer Research UK!

9)      Give up Tea for Lent
Failed, I managed 34 days before I decided I couldn’t live without tea any longer as I was miserable from wanting one. In hindsight I wish I had lasted those extra 6 days but I don’t really regret it. Maybe I'll give up chocolate next year...

10)   Research the family tree
So I have my mums side of the family started and my Nanna has even given me some photocopies of old family photographs to go with it but I need to get back on this one again to expand it all. Slow and steady wins the race; I don’t want to make a mistake.

11)    Work to become a good manager
I'm trying my best and I am hoping it is working. I do have to learn to be a bit firmer with the girls though which I am trying but it is really not in my nature I’m too much of a softy at heart.

12)   Do something you have never done before (not on this list)
I decided for this one I would start selling on eBay. It's something I have always thought about doing but just taken a long time to getting round to. So in August I started my first few listings and made my first sale {hopefully she is happy with her purchase} so I am feeling quite happy about it so far. It is going to be a great way of de-cluttering my wardrobe and bedroom.

13) ???
Still lacking on something I really want to do for 13. I have decided 12 is probably enough for me as i would rather complete 12 than spend ages trying to think up a 13th. Though I am going to start looking into what my goals for 2014 will be soon, so I will be taking suggestions and looking up bucket lists on Pinterest. 

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